Growing smarter

I understand finding alternatives to fossil fuels is essential if the world is to combat global warming, for our present reliance on fossil is estimated to supply 80% of the world’s energy thus generating about three-quarters of all greenhouse gases resulting being by far the largest contributor to the present alarming global warming.

The (sustainable) alternatives to fossil fuels most often mentioned are renewable energy, nuclear power, hydrogen, biomass, and geothermal energy.

Does this mean that we will soon have a landscape full of hideous windmills (which is already the case close to where I live) and are we going to accept the dangers of nuclear accidents, and the fact that radioactive waste is difficult to dispose of?

 1.4 billion cars

If we all start driving electrically, what will we do with the current number of cars? I read the world now has more than 1.4 billion cars. What are we going to do with them? Recycle? And what does that cost in terms of energy and pollution? And do we have any idea how we will deal with that growing number of depreciated solar panels and car batteries we are now deploying en masse around the world?

I want to get more information and that's why I have a question: I'm looking for good sources (documentaries, articles, books) that specifically deal with alternatives to fossil fuels. A documentary on for instance Netflix, articles accessible online, any advice to make me wiser is welcome. I find it extremely complex and I want to be better informed. What were your eye openers? I look forward to your comments! And already started following the accounts recently listed by @leavecaricealone (Instagram) (see comments, I re-post her list).

Instagram accounts you may want to follow and/or hashtags to use

@climatehuman @milieudefensie @extinctionrebellionnl @greenpeacenl @stopecocidenl @chrisjulien @georgemonbiot @rupertread @nasaclimatechange @7billionpresidents @katjeherbers @weareyellowdot @earthlyeducation @climatedefiance @just.stopoil @fossilfueltreaty

#ClimateChange #ProtectOurWinters #FridaysForFuture #ClimateChangeIsReal #EarthDay #climatechangepolicy #climatechangeresponsibility #climatechangemigration #climatechangestrike #climatechangeawareness #climatechangevoice #climatechangevoiceoftheyear #climatechangecrisis #climatechangecareers #climatechangechallenges


Sentimental Journal #9: Till we meet again


I've always wanted to write about Gherkin