A purple flower clutched in a tiny fist

A rat died this weekend. He lay under our wooden table in the garden, eyes wide open, as if wondering what on earth had happened to him. When I wanted to discard him, I noticed his claws. Little hands, with fingers and nails. Admittedly a bit hairy, but when do you have a chance to see such small rat fists so close? And don’t they look very human?

Near the dead rat, the verbena was still blooming. A deep purple-blue color with tiny flowers grouped into rounded clusters. If only I could put such a small flower in his fists. Would that make death a little more beautiful? A tiny flower clutched in a tiny fist?

And so I spent fifteen minutes of my weekend with a dead rat, mini fists and purple flowers. The other rats did appreciate this goodbye to their buddy. They held a memorial gathering at the chicken feed later that evening. Nine pairs of fists feasting on grains left over. We have to intervene, there are too many now. But how?


East African donuts: mandazi


#مهسا_امینی #Mehsa_Amini