If you start designing a website, for a client or yourself, one of the first things you’ll need is an ‘About’ page. Readers, so it’s generally assumed, want to know who you are, what matters to you, what you do and have to offer. It’s researched that it is often the first webpage people visit, a decisive factor to explore more on the rest of your website.
Now here’s my thing. I am not able to write my own About page. In fact, I hate it so much it was the main reason why my new website took so long. I don’t dislike writing. I will never call myself a writer nor will I pretend I am very good at it. But in fact, I enjoy writing when I do it in a way that’s very similar to the way I design: if something grabs my attention, if I find a topic important enough to write about it, I’ll immerse myself and see what comes out of that immersion. Sometimes I’ll share it with the world, more often I don’t.
But sitting down to write my own About page results in a total blank. A state of complete paralysis. So I have decided not to have such page. It's not that I don't undertake anything, that I don't have many stories, ideas, opinions or work that I want to share with you.
On the contrary, you’ll get to know me if you explore my website and see what I consider worth sharing. But as per today, I free myself from the imperative of writing an About page.
Still curious About me? I would advise you to explore more on this website.
Update January 2024
I asked ChatGPT a question for the first time in my life. Trying to understand what this fuss is all about.
This is what I asked (literally):
Have you heard of the photographer Mirjam Letsch?
This was the answer (literally):
Yes, Mirjam Letsch is a well-known Dutch photographer known for her work primarily focused on travel, culture, and portraits, particularly in remote and culturally rich regions. She has traveled extensively and captured images from various parts of the world, especially in places like India, Africa, and other countries with diverse cultures.
Letsch's photography often highlights the beauty of different cultures, traditions, and the daily lives of people, showcasing their stories through her lens. She has a particular talent for capturing the essence and humanity of her subjects, often portraying them in their natural environments.
Her work often emphasizes cultural diversity and the importance of preserving and appreciating different ways of life. Letsch's photographs have been featured in exhibitions, books, magazines, and various publications, contributing to a greater understanding and appreciation of global cultural diversity through visual storytelling.
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