I believe it was Oscar Wilde who wrote: ‘With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.’ I would rather argue: most of the time age comes alone.
Sentimental Journal #8: Fauna
Sentimental Journal Magazine #8 is out! The theme of this issue is 'fauna' and I can't wait to see how beautifully this theme has been developed by a variety of authors, photographers and artists. The preview looks very promising.
Winter scenes
In spite of the colder temperatures, I love photographing winter scenes, especially when the sun lingers longer at dusk or dawn. The contrast of trees, pinks skies over a lake, waterfowl looking for an ice-free place: there is so much beauty to experience in a small radius around our house!
The cloud flowers of autumn
‘Mushrooms were the roses in the garden of that unseen world, because the real mushroom plant was underground. The parts you could see - what most people called a mushroom - was just a brief apparition. A cloud flower.’ ―Margaret Atwood, The Year of the Flood