Every time we plan meals, go out and buy our groceries, we make a choice.
Taste the world!
Every time we plan meals, go out and buy our groceries, cook and lay the table to share a meal, we make a choice. My choice for a mostly plant-based diet is very simple: I don’t regard animals as disposable commodities, and I reject practices that harm them. Besides, I believe there are plenty of science-based reasons stating a plant based diet could well be considered one of the healthiest, outperforming pescatarian and vegetarian food, by enjoying plenty of fruits and vegetables ‘in all colours of the rainbow’, nuts, whole grains and beans and lentils, as well as chia, hemp and flax seeds, rich in omega 3. And did I mention environmental concerns already? Let me inspire you with worldwide, plant based recipes. You will see I use an occasional egg: these are from our own free-range, biologically fed chicken who have all the space to follow their natural behaviours such as foraging, perching, dust- and sunbathing. None of these normal behaviours can be performed in a battery cage, leading to frustration and suffering and an important reason not to buy and consume these eggs!
Kicheri from India
suitable for all
Well-planned plant-based diets, are healthful and nutritionally adequate for people of all ages and stages in life. Meaning that anyone can get all of the nutrients they need from eating exclusively plant-based foods.
Beetroot soup from Moldova
it’s time
Physicians should advocate that it is time to get away from terms like vegan and vegetarian and start talking about eating healthy, whole, plant-based foods and minimizing consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Couscous from Morocco
Kale! And kale!
Peta rightly states that cows don’t have to suffer in order for people to get calcium. It’s abundant in collard greens, kale, broccoli, beans, sesame tahini, and almonds. It can also be found in calcium-fortified soy or rice milk.
Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB): recipes
Street Food! Award winning books.
The award winning Street Food Series was born out of a strong need to share food with those less fortunate than I am. And that’s exactly what I did: 50% of the profit was (and in the case of India still is) shared with children for whom a daily healthy meal is by no means obvious. Please visit Duniya Foundation for more information about the project I support. Street Food India (in Dutch) is still available, from Street Food Vietnam (in Dutch) and Street Food Kosovo (available in both English and Dutch) only a few copies are left and they will not be reprinted in the same layout. So if you want your series complete: don’t wait. Available here in my online shop.
Street Food India (in Dutch only)
Al meer dan 25 jaar werk ik voor Stichting Duniya, een organisatie die onderwijs en medische zorg biedt aan een grote groep kinderen in een sloppenwijk in India. Deze bijzondere ingrediënten vormen de basis van dit verrassende 'kijk & kook’ boek: foto's van mensen uit de wijk en recepten van eenvoudige, traditionele maaltijden die ik met ze deelde, veelal op de grond zittend tussen de lachende kinderen en smakkende oma’s. Het resultaat is een bonte verzameling vegetarische recepten. Makkelijk zelf thuis te maken. Voedzaam. Gezond. En kleurrijk. En nog wat: van elk verkocht boek profiteren de kinderen uit de sloppenwijk die bij Duniya niet alleen gratis onderwijs krijgen, maar ook een dagelijkse warme maaltijd. Simpele rekensom, toch? Jij lekker eten. Zij lekker eten.
Street Food Vietnam (in Dutch only)
Na het succes van het eerste deel in deze serie (Kookboek van het Jaar winnaar Street Food India) presenteerde ik met trots deel twee: Vietnam. Ook nu weer een bonte, inspirerende verzameling lekkere, aparte en niet al te ingewikkelde gerechten. Vietnam is het walhalla van street food. De vanzelfsprekendheid waarmee vrouwen hun draagbare keukentje plompverloren op het trottoir of onder een boom uitstallen en aan de slag gaan is uniek. Kraakvers, voedzaam, licht verteerbaar en alle ingrediënten lokaal geproduceerd! Veel recepten zijn vegetarisch en voor alle vleesgerechten geef ik een vegetarisch alternatief. En omdat het ook dit keer een kijk & kook boek is, extra veel mooie foto's. Want liefde mag dan door de maag gaan, het oog wil ook wat!
Street Food Kosovo (in Dutch & English)
A Gourmand Award winning book full of enticing recipes and beautiful photos. The recipes were tasted and jotted down in the homes of regular people, mostly in rural areas, although we were also allowed to take a look in the kitchens of some of the small, traditional restaurants in the capital Pristina. The result is a surprising collection of authentic Kosovar dishes. Most are vegetarian, and meat dishes have a vegetarian alternative.
Sharing food is the best way to bring people together: invite your loved ones and treat them to a Kosovar meal! We shared the proceeds of this book with children in Kosovo who urgently need treatment for cancer: a collaboration between Street Food and non-profit organization Care for Kosovo Kids.
Latest recipes