Baking bread in a Dutch oven
Bread baked in a Dutch oven
For many of us, photographers (!) and other non-professional bakers, embarking on a bread baking journey at home can be challenging and pretty intimidating at first. Baking bread in a ‘Dutch oven’ (lidded pot) or cast iron pot, however, seems less intimidating to a starter, undersigned included. It seems simple and unassuming and with a bit of practice you do get your crispy, shiny crust and beautiful loaf with artisan style look.
“Baking bread in a ‘Dutch oven’ (lidded pot) or cast iron pot seems less intimidating.”
What is your favorite Dutch oven bread recipe? Would you like to share that with us? Could be a very simple bread, but maybe you have come up with a variation that you want to share with us and the world? Maybe you added seeds, spices, any other great ingredient? Maybe you even hang a cast iron pot over a campfire, because you're on holiday and don't feel like standing in the kitchen?
We will share the best recipes on our website and of course link to your social media and/or your own website. So we're really looking for recipes for the Dutch oven, not general recipes for bread.
SURE! I’LL Share my recipe!