Puppy-yoga en veehouderij als dure rechtse hobby
Piet Adema (Landbouw, ChristenUnie) is goed op dreef: ‘Tegen mensen die zich opgeven voor dit soort malle praktijken wil ik zeggen: denk nog eens goed na. Wil je dit wel echt?’.
Doperwtensoep met koriander
Doperwten zijn een fantastische bron van eiwitten: 6.5 gram eiwitten per 100 gram. Dus maken we vandaag knalgroene soep!
Knapperige kikkererwten
Krokante kikkererwten zonder olie betekent veel vezels, eiwitten, dus snacken zonder toegevoegd vet. Je kunt ze los eten, als knapperige, eiwitrijke snack, maar vormen ook een geweldige garnering voor vrijwel elke salade of om soep. Kortom: kleine erwtjes, groots effect!
Craziest moments
In December, several residents of Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem, received a leaflet from the Israeli government announcing that their land would be expropriated for the construction of the pillars for a cable car. Silwan is located at the foot of the walled Old City, which contains important holy places for Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Gloves in August!
At the end of the day I sometimes write small poems with my camera. You have to put up with more than two hours of mosquito swarms, but I was prepared this time (I wore protective gloves in August! It doesn't get any crazier!).
I've always wanted to write about Gherkin
I've always wanted to write about the gherkin. Is it just a small, early-harvested cucumber? Why the spiky skin? Now that I have so many growing in our greenhouse - I can harvest almost daily - I thought it was time look into it. Why are the ‘cornichons’ I eat in France so much more sour than here at home in the Netherlands? If you've also been walking around with these questions for ages, and I am almost certain you have, read on.