Sentimental Journal #10: General Güemes and the return of the sun.
Sentimental Journal issue 10 is out! The theme is 'Festivity' and the whole magazine is so festive! So colorful! So full of inspiration. Every time a new magazine comes out I think I have my favorite issue, and every time I am outdone. It is a great pleasure to contribute to this beautiful product.
Ik ben (nog niet) jarig
Je hoeft de televisie maar aan te zetten of een krant open te slaan en je ziet hoe media doen verslag van de oorlog, de klimaatramp, economische crises en overheidsschandalen. Gebeurtenissen waar we dagelijks en vaak in alle hevigheid mee geconfronteerd worden. We kunnen er niet aan ontsnappen, zo lijkt het vaak
Sentimental Journal #6: Coffee
I once asked for a ‘Turkish coffee’ in an extremely cozy little café in Beirut, Lebanon. The owner faced me with a friendly though unmistakable stare of admonition. ‘It’s called ‘Arabic coffee’, madam’. So this time, traveling the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and knowing I wanted to write about coffee, I decided to educate myself first.
Sentimental Journal #5: Correspondence
He lights a candle and nods us again with that irresistibly friendly face. Then, he visits to the small synagogue, once used by the Nazis as a storage place for, among other things fire extinguishers.
Sentimental Journal #4: Ceramics
A long bus journey through the Indian Thar desert heading in the direction of the border with Pakistan. It is scorching hot, and I’m surprised to see the occasional bush dotting the desert landscape. They’re thorny bushes that I often find myself entangled in, giving the Rajasthani women the pleasure of freeing me, yet again.
Sentimental Journal #3: Harvest
Isn’t it fantastic how bread, one of the oldest prepared foods in history and baked with only a few ingredients (usually flour, water, yeast, some salt), shows such a wide variety all over the world? In recent years we have seen many different breads being baked in the most beautiful bakeries and ovens.