Street Food Kosovo

Harvesting and drying flowers for tea.

Harvesting and drying flowers for tea.

Another book in the Street Food series, full of enticing recipes and authentic photos. After my award-winning cookbooks Street Food India and Vietnam, I published Street Food Kosovo.

Sharing food is the best way to bring people together. So: invite your loved ones and treat them to a Kosovar meal! The recipes were tasted and jotted down in the homes of regular people, mostly in rural areas, although we were also allowed to take a look in the kitchens of some of the small, traditional restaurants in the capital Pristina. The result is a surprising collection of authentic Kosovar dishes. Most are vegetarian, and all meat dishes have a vegetarian alternative.

The proceeds of this book were shared with children in Kosovo who urgently need treatment for cancer: a unique collaboration between Street Food and the non-profit organization Care for Kosovo Kids.

Cancer patient from Pediatric Hospital in Prishtina | Kosovo

Cancer patient from Pediatric Hospital in Prishtina | Kosovo



Alan's noodle soup


Sentimental Journal #3: Harvest