Sentimental Journal #5: Correspondence
He lights a candle and nods us again with that irresistibly friendly face. Then, he visits to the small synagogue, once used by the Nazis as a storage place for, among other things fire extinguishers.
Ook Bobby’s verhalen stonden op dat Instagram kanaal. Met foto’s, korte filmpjes en herinneringen die ik koesterde, zeker nu ze er niet meer is. Ze overleed begin deze maand, op 4 april.
Today, Ghada Sabatien was shot
Today I read in the newspaper that Ghada Sabatien, a widowed Palestinian mother of six in her forties, has been killed by Israeli forces. Shot because she apparently ignored soldiers’ calls and warning fire to stop approaching them and died from a torn artery and massive blood loss. No weapon was found on her body.
Wereldkankerdag: 4 februari
PAARS ~ De laatste dagen kleurden mijn wereld en werk vooral paars. In tegenstelling tot sommige van mijn vrienden vind ik paars gelukkig een prachtige kleur. Maar deze week stond vooral in het teken van de aankomende Wereldkankerdag op 4 februari en symbool voor deze dag staat paars.⠀
Branding, logo & website for Noorda Total Health
Oncology surgeon Eva Noorda wanted a new corporate identity, website, logo and social media strategy that would enable her to incorporate her knowledge of lifestyle and evidence-based complementary measures into regular oncology practice.
An engraved Moleskine notebook
For the BOOG I designed a Moleskine A5 notebook with an engraved wooden pencil (not in the photo) and matching card: a Christmas present for the board.
Sentimental Journal #4: Ceramics
A long bus journey through the Indian Thar desert heading in the direction of the border with Pakistan. It is scorching hot, and I’m surprised to see the occasional bush dotting the desert landscape. They’re thorny bushes that I often find myself entangled in, giving the Rajasthani women the pleasure of freeing me, yet again.
About bakers and the frog
A Belgian adventure with beautiful bread and inspiring bakers, a park full of dripping hydrangeas, a warm welcome in De Kwaakvos where we took notes for our story to be written later.
[DUTCH] Een logo ontwerpen, hoe doe je dat?
[IN DUTCH] Mijn meest recente opdracht betreft het ontwerpen van een nieuwe huisstijl (logo, website) voor Borst Vooruit, een stichting waar ik bij betrokken ben